One of our lovely guests who stayed at Christmas in Garden Cottage took the opportunity to take loads of photographs of the wildlife and landscapes at Corsewall Estate Holiday Cottages. He’s started a Flickr group- which you can see here. An extremely talented photographer, one of Richard’s shots was even used on the Guardian website in a round up of Christmas scenes from around the globe. There’s an amazing collection of wildlife shots – from deer, pheasants, buzzards, robins to many shots of red squirrels up to their antics. There are many landscapes too including lighthouses, seascapes and stunning winterscenes from sunrise to the stars at night. Here’s one of four red squirrels enjoying an old bottle of Port. Even Struay (the cocker spaniel) gets in on the act. Thank you Richard! On the subject of photography, weather permitting, on Saturday, I’m heading off for a day’s photography course with talented Scottish landscape photographer, Allan Wright. No more blurred squirrel shots for me!